
Talent Contest

Circle Kers are encouraged to participate in Convention Contests in order to build club spirit and to celebrate the talents of both the club and the individuals within the club. Below is a brief explanation of the District Contests that will be held at the District Convention.

The contests are in a variety of areas, showcasing the unique talents of Alabama Circle K Clubs.

Each contest is listed and explained below and sign-up happens at Convention.

Make your plans now to participate!

Individuals or club groups may audition for the talent revue to show the wealth of talent contained within the many members of the Alabama District. Entries can be in any talent area from dance and instrumentals to stand-up comedy and vocals. The only limiting factor is that they should be entertaining and in good taste. The top acts selected in the preliminary judging on Saturday afternoon will perform at the Talent Session on Saturday night. Awards will be given to the top acts. Participants will have the opportunity to compete at Circle K International Convention. For the complete set of rules refer to the contest rules packet.

The 2015 Oratorical Contest topic is “Why should we care to improve Alabama?” Each orator will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for his/her presentation concerning this theme. The speech must be prepared and rehearsed in advance. Judging will be based upon historical references, poise, posture, organization, movement, gestures, and delivery. Orators must follow the guidelines laid out in the contest rules packet. The oratorical preliminaries will be held on Saturday during District Convention. The winner will speak on Saturday Night during the Celebration. First, Second and Third places will be awarded. All participants will be eligible for competition at the International Convention.

Club Poster
The Club Poster Contest seeks to recognize those clubs that have went above and beyond to create engaging and effective marketing materials that showcase Circle K on their campus and throughout their community. The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Circle K. Entries must follow the rule outlined in the contest rules packet.

Traditional Scrapbook
A Circle K may enter a scrapbook containing pictures, souvenirs, etc., that highlight the service activities during the club’s administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). Each scrapbook MUST be divided into the following categories: Service to Campus, Service to Community, Fundraising Projects, Involvement with Kiwanis Family Projects, Involvement with the Preferred Charities/Service Partners, and Miscellaneous. Cost must not exceed $300. Entries must follow the rules outlined in the contest rules packet.

Non-Traditional Scrapbook
A Circle K may enter a non-traditional scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs (examples, newspaper clippings) or other representations of its activities during the club’s administrative year (defined as being from District Convention to District Convention). Cost must not exceed $300. Entries must follow the rule outlined in the contest rules packet, and they are to be submitted upon check in at District Convention.

Club Skit
Skits should adhere to the convention theme (Mobile Murder Mystery Masquerade), be entertaining, and in good taste. They should have a minimum of three performers but no more than ten. Maximum time limit for the skit is five minutes. Props and costumes will be allowed, but there will be no set up time. Skit revues selected in the preliminary judging on Saturday afternoon will perform on Saturday night. Awards will be given to the top three acts. Refer to the contest rules packet for the full set of rules and judging criteria.

Club DVD
Club members can produce a 30 second – 90 second video segment on DVD. The video should be promotional for Circle K as an organization and/or the Circle K within its respective campus/community. The video must be produced by the club members only. Entries must follow the rules outlined in the contest rules packet. Awards will be presented to First, Second and Third places.

Club T-Shirt
Circle K Clubs can enter their t-shirt designs in the Club T-Shirt Contest to showcase those clubs that reach excellence in club T-shirt design and distribution. Many clubs create T-shirts and use them to promote the ideals of Circle K International, their home club and/or school. Such clubs should be recognized for outstanding T-shirt design and distribution strategy to club members. Award will be presented to the First Place entry. Refer to the contest rules packets for rules and judging criteria.

Impromptu Essasy
Circle K members will have the opportunity to compete in an Impromptu Essay Contest at convention. The essays will be written in a closed competition on Saturday afternoon and must not exceed 250 words in length. Essays will be judged on development of topic, grammar and spelling, clarity of topic, creativity, and length. A full set of rules can be found in the contest rules packet.